Common Questions

Why was the Club formed?

There are very few places like Stout’s Island Lodge left in the United States, with the few remaining ones succumbing to overdevelopment in order to generate the income & capital necessary to preserve them or being privatized for use as family compounds. The Stout’s Island Club is the answer for this magnificent island retreat to maintain its soul, and to continue to operate fully improved in facility and services, becoming the world class property it deserves.

How do I best access Stout’s Island?

By car, the Club is located on Stout’s Island, Birchwood Wisconsin – 14 miles NE of Rice Lake. 

By private aircraft, Rice Lake Airport.  The airport handles all private aircraft and small commercial planes. The Club will provide transportation from the local airport upon request. One float plane at a time can be accommodated on the island.

By commercial aircraft, the airport in Eau Claire is located about 60 miles south of the Club and has daily connecting flights to Chicago’s O’Hare.

Are there options for property ownership?

Yes – two options.  The first is, subject to personal use requirements: rooms, suites, and/or current or to be constructed homes are available for sale.  In addition, members may want to consider buying a shore property on Red Cedar Lake or the connected Balsam & Hemlock Lakes and – if approved by club management – include them in the club rental pool, and qualify for Associate Membership. Please read more at

Who operates Stout’s Island Club?

The University Club of Saint Paul is currently responsible for the operation of the Club, but after the construction of Club improvements and additional structures are completed either the University Club of Saint Paul, or a professional management company with demonstrated experience operating luxury resorts and/or clubs will take over management.

How many members will the Club have?

The current plan is for the Club to have a maximum of 325 Family Memberships with lodging, and Associate Memberships that will not include lodging (for property owners/renters on the adjacent lakes).  In the event Club ownership/management elects to expand the Club properties it may also expand membership somewhat to keep member's annual costs reasonable.

Are there plans to add additional properties and/or major amenities?

Yes. The Club is currently looking at several shore property options. In the future the Club will evaluate expansion opportunities as they appear.

How are members selected?

A detailed application is required, along with reference letters. The process will include a personal interview and an extensive background check. The least important characteristic of a prospective member is the ability to pay - character matters more.

Am I allowed to have guests?

Yes. Guests must be accompanied by a member. In low season, members may send their guests unaccompanied for a maximum of two three-day visits per season based on availability. Real estate owners may have guests whenever they choose.

Can membership be canceled for violation of Club Rules?

Yes. The Club management is committed to the maintenance of the highest standards of member behavior. Any member who violates its rules risks membership cancelation – with no refund of membership fees or annual dues paid or owed. The Club demands courteous and civil behavior towards all members and staff - no exceptions.

Will there be a boardroom or other corporate facilities?

Yes, the Club is currently in the process of finalizing the development plan for the conference facilities. Amenities and any associated technological features will be first-class.

What is the process to apply for membership?

Submit a membership application. If accepted, we will request your initiation fee, and your fee will be held in an escrow account until enough memberships have been sold to establish the Club, and it can begin improvements & new construction. Currently that is estimated to be 10 non-real estate owning memberships sold.

Are there options for financing memberships?

Financing of initiation fees may be possible under certain, limited circumstances. Financing for prospective members will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Is the Stout’s Island Club pet-friendly?

Only owners of real estate may have pets on Island, subject to the rules and regulations of the Homeowner's Association. Service animals are allowed.

Will my spouse or family be entitled to my membership upon my death?

Yes. Your spouse or designated child may continue as members without payment of any additional transfer fee.

Is there a golf course?

Tagalong Golf Club and Resort is located across the lake in Birchwood, WI, and is accessible by boat. Stout’s Island Club members will have preferred rates at Tagalong, however it is not owned by the Club. There are other high quality local golf courses that are accessible, as well.

Will there be events and activities curated by The Club?

Yes, and more information will be provided as it becomes available.

Will there be a nanny on staff?

Yes, there will be nanny services available, depending on demand.

Is there covered parking for boats?

A limited number of covered slips are available. Otherwise, there will be additional covered boat storage off-site. More additional information is available upon request.

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